
Monday, November 26, 2012

BUMPdate: 30 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a head of lettuce (about 18 inches, 3.2lbs.)
Based on the measurement that they took of my belly I'm measuring normal-small but we'll find out more when we go to the ultrasound on Wednesday! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
21 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Still a mix of maternity and normal clothes.
Stretch marks?
None. *fingers crossed*
Best Moments?
Hearing her heartbeat at my appointment the other day and hearing that everything is going perfectly.
She is SO active! My whole stomach is now moving around, it's so strange to see but so cool at the same time. 
Food Cravings?
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches and sweets of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
I'm starting to feel like I need a nap by mid-afternoon, just like I did during the first trimester.
Labor signs?
No way! 
Belly Button In or Out?
Still flat. I;m hoping it doesn't pop out!
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on! They're actually a little loose, which is what normally happens when it gets cold out.
I am so tired anymore and it may have something to do with waking up for a bathroom break and waking up every single time I try to re-position myself.  
What I'm looking forward to?
Ultrasound on Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

OOTD Cream in My Coffee

Just a quick OOTD- but first a flash of the bump! I think I may have grown overnight. Seriously. Has anyone else ever noticed a sudden growth spurt while pregnant?

Cardigan- Lauren Conrad
Black Top- Liz Lange
Leggings- F21
Boots- Bearpaw
Belt- F21

Monday, November 12, 2012

BUMPdate: 28 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a butternut squash (about 17 inches, 3.1lbs.)
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
19 lbs. I actually lost a few pounds as a result of my new meal plan.
Maternity Clothes?
It's still a mix. I'm amazed at how many non-maternity clothes I'm still able to wear.
P.S Not to brag or anything, but the sweater I'm wearing here is a H&M XS!
Stretch marks?
None, thanks to Palmer's Cocoa Butter and Lush's Charity Pot (cocoa butter & almond oil)
Best Moments?
The room is painted, the crib is assembled, and the dresser just came yesterday. The nursery is coming together and nesting is in full effect.
Lots. The other day she was kicking so hard that I thought she was going to bust right through my skin and jump out and then she was kind of quiet the next day- she must have tired herself out.
Food Cravings?
Chocolate. Of course I'm supposed to stay away from the sweets and oh my goodness am I struggling! I feel like I'm on a reality show sometimes, it's probably called something like Extreme Pregnancy Challenge. I've been watching what I eat, planning out meal times, exercising, and obsessing over my diet and my readings. The prize at the end is meeting my beautiful baby girl but oh my is this a challenge!
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
Chocolate. Being able to bend like I used to.
I feel great! The only symptoms are the occassional hip and lower back pains but that only happens after a long day with a lot of standing/activity.
Labor signs?
No. 10 weeks and 6 days to go!
Belly Button In or Out?
It's officially flat but still an innie.
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on! I've been fortunate enough to not have any swelling...yet.
Well, by the end of the day I am exhausted and I fall asleep right away. My husband thinks I'm becoming narcoleptic at night. On the flip side, I wake up early every morning on my own ready to start the day. Strange. Oh and can I just tell you how hard it is to switch positions?! Simply turning from one side to another is such a task that it wakes me up.
What I'm looking forward to?
Ultrasound on the 28th!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

OOTD Breakin' out the Skeepskin

It's getting pretty darn cold outside here, so cold that I busted my wool pea coat out of hiding (which by the way, still buttons but just barely). After work, I ran a few errands today and had quite a successful run. I've been stressing over what to wear to my baby shower next month and what to wear at the hospital when she's born and guess freakin' what?! I found both of those items all in one day-today! I love checking things off my giant to-do list, it's the greatest feeling. Isn't it?
Black Long Sleeve Shirt- Liz Lange
Fleece-Lined Leggings- Strawberry's
Sweater- F21 (old)
Belt- F21
Boots- Bearpaw
Sally Hansen Ton of Bricks
If you ask me, it's oxblood. I'm loving this new color for fall/winter.