
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy (belated) Holidays!
I took a bit of a break from blogging to enjoy the holiday and hopefully, all of you did/are too! My husband and I enjoyed our last Christmas morning (just the two of us)- next year is going to be much different and so, so exciting! We spent Christmas Eve with his side of the family and Christmas Day with my side, ate lots and lots of food, and spent a lot of QT with family.

I can't believe that today is the last day of the year. Next month marks the month of our daughter's arrival and a whole new beginning for us. I am so ready for 2013 and all that it has to offer! I'm just one week away from being "full term" and I'm feeling pretty tired these days. I'm starting to feel like there is an end in sight and it's going to be here very, very soon (hopefully!).

As much as I love sparkly dresses and heels, this years NYE outfit will be quite different. We're not getting dressed up and going out to a fancy party this year but it will be nice to have a relaxing NYE and watch the ball drop in the comforts of our home. Together. Just us.

What are your NYE plans?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holiday Nails

I'm not one for crazy nail art/design. I appreciate it and I love it but for myself, I always like to keep my nails and my overall look simple and classic. With that being said, I don't mind a little nail art here and there- like for special occasions. I went for a classic red with a hint of sparkle and a simple design that was inspired by this pin on Pinterest.
I had "Ton of Bricks" already on my nails, then I came across "Red Velvet" in the store, had to have it, bought it, painted over "Ton of Bricks" and used the Art Deco polishes to create the design.

What You Need for the Perfect Holiday Nails
(from left to right)
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails- Ton of Bricks #450
Sally Hansen Diamond Strength- Red Velvet #370
Art Deco- White
Art Deco- Silver Glitter
(Gold Glitter would also be really pretty)

Friday, December 21, 2012


Top- Oh Baby Maternity (Kohls)
Jeans- Motherhood Maternity
Scarf- eBay
Boots- Burlington
Hello Kitty iPhone case- eBay
How cute is it? It even has the pink bow on the ear!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Comfy Casual PSU OOTD

Well, the time has come and I have started to raid my husband's closet. Desperate times call for desperate measures and if I can make a cute outfit out of it, then why not?

Penn State T-Shirt- borrowed from my husband's closet- I think it's from Finish Line.
Hoodie- Charlotte Russe
Leggings- Strawberry's
Australian Sheepskin Button Boots
Belt- Old Navy

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

BUMPdate: 33 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a pineapple (about 18 inches, and a little over 4lbs.)
Probably on the smaller side though because at our last ultrasound she was measuring in the 22nd percentile for her age. Anything between 10 and 90 is normal so it looks like she'll be petite like her momma.
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
23 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Still a mix of maternity and normal clothes. Lots of leggings. 
Stretch marks?
I have a little one right above my belly button where my piercing was. I'm so upset, but at least it's teeny tiny. 
Best Moments?
Seeing her at our last ultrasound appointment! She was was grabbing her feet- it was so cute! Now I know what she's doing when she's moving around in there. 
This little girl is very active all throughout the day. She is getting more powerful too.
Food Cravings?
Still Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches and Chocolate.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
Being able to get into bed without feeling like I'm hoisting myself in, being able to move from side to side without it being such a project, and sleeping on my stomach.
Labor signs?
No way! 
Belly Button In or Out?
Oh have I got a story for you. Well I had my belly button pierced since I was about 16 and it pained me to take it out when I found out that I was pregnant but I did at the very beginning of my pregnancy. THANKFULLY I did because my stomach seems to be stretched to to the max in that area where my piercing once was. It has actually been pretty painful as it continues to grow and stretch and I think that's how the stretch mark came about- it was inevitable. Let's just hope it doesn't get any worse.
Wedding rings On or Off?
They're on and spinning around like they normally do when it gets cold out.
I'm still waking up to pee and waking up every time I change positions. What I would do for a solid nights sleep! 
What I'm looking forward to?
Meeting our baby girl! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

I know, it's been a while...

Wow! This month is flying by and I just realized that it's been forever since I've posted anything on here. I've been so consumed with Christmas shopping, decorating, working, getting the baby's room in order, cleaning and washing everything for her, and our weekends have been packed full of events.

I apologize for not updating more often but I have one heck of a to-do list to tackle so I hope you understand. On the bright side though, I have a bunch of posts lined up and I'll be posting them as soon as I possibly can.

Here's what is coming up:
  • My baby shower!
  • 33 week BUMPdate (a week behind, I'm currently 34 weeks)
  • OOTD's
  • Holiday nail polishes

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What I've Been Reading: November 2012

Question of the month: What are 3 of your favorite things you've learned from other blogs/Youtube?

First of all, how great is this question? I have learned so, so much from blogs and Youtube and my beauty routines are forever changed as a result.

I've always watched Makeup Geek, Kandee Johnson, and Dulce Candy's makeup tutorials. There have been many times that I brought my laptop to my vanity and sat there starting and stopping the videos, going step by step as I applied my makeup.

Luxy Hair is responsible for completely changing the way I curl my hair. They have so many great styling tutorials too.

Last, but certainly not least there are so many fashion/style blogs that have inspired me to be more creative with my wardrobe. Some of my favorite style blogs are: Sequins & Stilettos, Ella Pretty, Lilly's Style, Veronika's Blushing, and Pink Peonies. There are so many high-end fashion blogs out there that are great too but for me, I tend to follow the bloggers who demonstrate a more wearable style. So, if you haven't heard of some of these blogs, I suggest you pay them a visit- I'm sure you will love them as much as I do.

Monday, November 26, 2012

BUMPdate: 30 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a head of lettuce (about 18 inches, 3.2lbs.)
Based on the measurement that they took of my belly I'm measuring normal-small but we'll find out more when we go to the ultrasound on Wednesday! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
21 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Still a mix of maternity and normal clothes.
Stretch marks?
None. *fingers crossed*
Best Moments?
Hearing her heartbeat at my appointment the other day and hearing that everything is going perfectly.
She is SO active! My whole stomach is now moving around, it's so strange to see but so cool at the same time. 
Food Cravings?
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches and sweets of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
I'm starting to feel like I need a nap by mid-afternoon, just like I did during the first trimester.
Labor signs?
No way! 
Belly Button In or Out?
Still flat. I;m hoping it doesn't pop out!
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on! They're actually a little loose, which is what normally happens when it gets cold out.
I am so tired anymore and it may have something to do with waking up for a bathroom break and waking up every single time I try to re-position myself.  
What I'm looking forward to?
Ultrasound on Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

OOTD Cream in My Coffee

Just a quick OOTD- but first a flash of the bump! I think I may have grown overnight. Seriously. Has anyone else ever noticed a sudden growth spurt while pregnant?

Cardigan- Lauren Conrad
Black Top- Liz Lange
Leggings- F21
Boots- Bearpaw
Belt- F21

Monday, November 12, 2012

BUMPdate: 28 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a butternut squash (about 17 inches, 3.1lbs.)
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
19 lbs. I actually lost a few pounds as a result of my new meal plan.
Maternity Clothes?
It's still a mix. I'm amazed at how many non-maternity clothes I'm still able to wear.
P.S Not to brag or anything, but the sweater I'm wearing here is a H&M XS!
Stretch marks?
None, thanks to Palmer's Cocoa Butter and Lush's Charity Pot (cocoa butter & almond oil)
Best Moments?
The room is painted, the crib is assembled, and the dresser just came yesterday. The nursery is coming together and nesting is in full effect.
Lots. The other day she was kicking so hard that I thought she was going to bust right through my skin and jump out and then she was kind of quiet the next day- she must have tired herself out.
Food Cravings?
Chocolate. Of course I'm supposed to stay away from the sweets and oh my goodness am I struggling! I feel like I'm on a reality show sometimes, it's probably called something like Extreme Pregnancy Challenge. I've been watching what I eat, planning out meal times, exercising, and obsessing over my diet and my readings. The prize at the end is meeting my beautiful baby girl but oh my is this a challenge!
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
Chocolate. Being able to bend like I used to.
I feel great! The only symptoms are the occassional hip and lower back pains but that only happens after a long day with a lot of standing/activity.
Labor signs?
No. 10 weeks and 6 days to go!
Belly Button In or Out?
It's officially flat but still an innie.
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on! I've been fortunate enough to not have any swelling...yet.
Well, by the end of the day I am exhausted and I fall asleep right away. My husband thinks I'm becoming narcoleptic at night. On the flip side, I wake up early every morning on my own ready to start the day. Strange. Oh and can I just tell you how hard it is to switch positions?! Simply turning from one side to another is such a task that it wakes me up.
What I'm looking forward to?
Ultrasound on the 28th!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

OOTD Breakin' out the Skeepskin

It's getting pretty darn cold outside here, so cold that I busted my wool pea coat out of hiding (which by the way, still buttons but just barely). After work, I ran a few errands today and had quite a successful run. I've been stressing over what to wear to my baby shower next month and what to wear at the hospital when she's born and guess freakin' what?! I found both of those items all in one day-today! I love checking things off my giant to-do list, it's the greatest feeling. Isn't it?
Black Long Sleeve Shirt- Liz Lange
Fleece-Lined Leggings- Strawberry's
Sweater- F21 (old)
Belt- F21
Boots- Bearpaw
Sally Hansen Ton of Bricks
If you ask me, it's oxblood. I'm loving this new color for fall/winter.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What I've Been Reading: October 2012

Can you believe that Halloween is here already? This is the first year in a looonnnggg time that I haven't dressed up and gone out to a bar Halloween party and I have to say it feels pretty strange. I can't wait to dress up our little pumpkin though next year! Oh Halloween is going to be so much fun but on a totally different level. Anyway, it's the end of the month and that means that it's time for my Monthly Must-Read collaboration-- and as far as I'm concerned as soon as Halloween is over, it's holiday time!

Question of the month: What did you eat today?
The question of the month is somewhat ironic and I guess it's the perfect time to let all of you ladies know that I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I talked about how I failed the 1-hour glucose test here and when I went back for the 3-hour test I passed the first 2, failed the 3rd by 4 points, and failed the 4th by 6 points. Needless to say I've been a wreck ever since but after talking it over with Ella and meeting with my nutritionist the other day, I'm feeling a whole lot better. At first I felt so defeated because I have been eating relatively healthy (but I've had my share of sweets too) throughout my pregnancy.

Everyone wants a flawless, perfect, smooth pregnancy, delivery, and baby and for someone who is a perfectionist like myself and a worried mom-to-be, you can imagine how hard it hit. I panicked thinking that my baby was at risk or in harms way but I found out that I can control my situation. I'm taking this very seriously and I'm following my dietary guidelines to a "T." Due to the fact that I'm just slightly over the borderline, my nutritionist feels that I will have no problem taking control and conquering. Best of all, everything. will. be. okay. 

Alright, so back to the original question... I'm still adjusting to my new diet. What I eat hasn't changed much but how often I eat has. I'm snacking a whole lot more and eating smaller portions.

Breakfast: Quaker Oatmeal, two of my favorites are Apple Cinnamon, and Maple Brown Sugar
Snack: half of a grapefruit
Lunch: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich (I've been craving these throughout my pregnancy so thankfully I can still work them into my new plan) and a Salad with Balsamic Vinegar
Snack: Apple, sliced with Peanut Butter
Dinner: Pan-Seared Chicken w/ Shallots, Baked Sweet Potato, and Broccoli
Snack: Strawberry Cream Yogurt & some Crackers


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock the Vote- Pregnant Pageant

Some of you may remember me talking about the Pregnant Pumpkin Pageant that we entered here. My husband painted my belly and I patiently watched... for 3 hours! We are competing to win a years supply of diapers- and because a little competition is always fun too. Well this week has flown by and I forgot to tell you that the voting has opened. 

Today is the last day to vote! 
You can sign in using your facebook account and 
you can vote up to 50 times if you just keep clicking the "vote" button. 

CLICK HERE for the link where you can find the famous Nyan Cat.

Thanks for Voting!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Pink

Hurricane Sandy is coming our way... another year, another hurricane. I don't know what's up with this weather lately but something's gotta give because this is just scary. The winds are howling, it's pouring rain, and thankfully my husband and I are finally tucked away safely at home with our stockpile of supplies. I had a few important errands to run this morning before the weather started getting out of control and I was prepared- rain boots and all.
Pink Sweater- H&M
Black Cami- H&M
Black Leggings- Strawberry's
Rainboots (with a wedge heel!)- Target (old)
If you're preggo do yourself a favor and head out to H&M and load up on these basic camis in every color. They are super long and so perfect for a baby bump. One of my favorite non-maternity/preggo purchases to date.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Black Monday OOTD

It's a Black Monday for sure. I picked out this outfit before I knew the results of my glucose test too. I had my one hour glucose test today and failed it so now I have to go back for a 3 hour glucose test. I also found out that my iron is a little lower than it should be. I'm not concerned about the iron because all I have to do now is take an iron supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamins but I'm so bummed about the glucose test. I'm so scared at the thought of having gestational diabetes but I hear that a lot of people fail the first test and pass the second so I'm trying really hard to stay positive. Any of you ladies have a similar experience?
Sweater- F21 (old)
Leggings- Strawberry's
Flats- Burlington
Necklace- Body Central

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BUMPdate: 25 Weeks

So, this BUMPdate is a little different. We decided to get a little creative and enter a local contest called the Pregnant Pumpkin Pageant. This is my husband's work of art. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Nyan Cat, you need to check it out here. Now. It's the dumbest thing ever but it's kinda cute too. We decided to go with spooky scene featuring Nyan Cat delivering a baby girl. Voting starts next week so I'll keep you posted-- hopefully you'll vote for us!
*Please excuse the no makeup, messy hair look going on here. It was a long night.
The painting took about 3 hours to complete.*

Size of the baby? 
The size of an eggplant (9 inches, 2lbs.)

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 
20 lbs. & I'm not happy about that!
I'm waiting on a new belt for our treadmill and it can't get here fast enough.

Maternity Clothes? 
Some basic maternity tops and jeans mixed in with non-maternity clothes 

Stretch marks? 

Best Moments? 
My parents gave us the greatest gift- we got a crib last weekend! We started moving things around in the nursery and my nesting is in full effect.

Our little girl is a night owl. She loves to move around right around the time that I'm getting ready for bed.

Food Cravings? 
Still chocolate, oh and fruit too.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Not really. 

What I miss? 
Being able to drink alcohol. My favorite beer (Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale) is in season and I can't drink it.


Heartburn, almost every night now.

Labor signs? 
No way!


Belly Button In or Out?
Still in but it's slowly starting to protrude.

Wedding rings On or Off? 
Still on!

It's a lot harder to get comfortable now that I'm getting bigger so I often wake myself up when I move around in my sleep.

What I'm looking forward to?
My baby shower! My mom is hosting it at the cutest place and I'm so excited.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OOTD Black & Brown

I did something new. I mixed black and brown. That is a color combination that I never in a million years thought that I'd pair together but I surprised myself and I really like it.
White Button-up- Aerie
(I think it's supposed to be a night shirt but it's long and it's a bit too fancy for my pajama standards anyway)
Leggings- Strawberry's
Pink Undershirt- Old Navy
Leopard Flats- Charlotte Russe (with DIY cap toes)
Brown Belt- I forget! It came with a dress I think
Pearl Bracelets

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pregnancy OOTD's

I've gotten a few requests to post more OOTD's. I'm still taking maternity style day by day and just learning what looks right and what doesn't by trial and error (and trying on whatever still fits). 
Plaid top- Max Azria/Miley (old)
White T-shirt- F21
Leggings- F21
Flats- Dr. Scholl's
Silver Bangle Bracelet-gift
White Long-sleeve- Liz Lange
Gray Sweater- Marshall's
Jeans- Motherhood Maternity
Pink Leopard Scarf- Strawberry's

-Excuse the mess behind me and the grainy iPhone photos, please. This weekend we switched rooms, moved a bunch of things around, threw things away, donated a bunch, and organized to make way for our baby girl. I'll post photos soon of our new bedroom. The nursery still has a long way to go but I'll be sure to post photos of that when it's all done too.- 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

California Trip: Monterey & Carmel

Monterey Coast & El Torito Restaurant
We ate here and not only did we have a beautiful view but the food was delicious too,
well worth the long wait.
Relaxing at our hotel and enjoying the fire along side the coast.
Apparently, I was the only one who found it enjoyable to sit outside in front of a fire, listening to the waves crash because everyone was inside at the bar. Maybe being pregnant isn't so bad after all because otherwise, I would probably be in the bar too! By the way if you are planning on staying in Monterey I highly recommend the Intercontinental because it it beautiful and it has the best views.
Space-like seaweed that we found all along the coast.
Carmel was such a cute little town sprinkled with cute little shops and restaurants. 

There are 2 more parts to coming up to recap our California Trip:
  • More of the Coastline & Big Basin State Park 
  • Hearst Castle

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

California Trip: San Francisco Part 2

We took the tour of Alcatraz Island and saw the prison the was once the home of Al Capone and so many other infamous prisoners.
Alcatraz Island
View from the top of the island
View of the Golden Gate Bridge from the island
Inside the prison
The cold choppy waters surrounding the grounds.
Pier 39 Sea Lions
After our tour of Alcatraz we wandered around Pier 39, visited the sea lions, and had some lunch at Boudin's (which by the way is amazing- I had the Pesto Roast Beef Sandwich and my H had the Clam Chowder Bread Bowl).
Golden Gate Bridge
After spending 4 days in SF we finally ventured over the bridge and traveled to Sonoma (wine country) to visit some family and some wineries of course.
Kunde Winery (where Bottle Shock was filmed)
Wine Cave at Kunde Winery
Ledson Winery
This place was breathtaking. You can have weddings here too- can you imagine how magical ?!

Monday, October 8, 2012

California Trip: San Francisco Part 1

We started off our trip with checking out landmarks like Billionaire Row. I had to get a photo of Danielle Steel's house because she's my mom's favorite author and I just so happen to be named after her. The first leg of the trip was all about the views, you'll see what I mean...
Danielle's Steel's House
View from the top of one of the streets on Billionaire Row.
For those of you who don't know, Billionaire Row is in the Pacific Heights and it's one of the most expensive neighborhoods. If you stroll down B.R you'll see the mansions of people such as the University of Phoenix heir- Peter Sperling, Levi Strauss heir Peter Haus, and Getty Oil heir Gordon Getty.
Next up was Alamo Square- home of the Painted Ladies,
where the famous opening credits of Full House was filmed.
I was a huge Full House fan so this was pretty awesome to see in person. Admit it, you were too.
Then we went to Buena Vista Park where we hiked through the trails
and saw some more amazing views of the city.
View from Buena Vista Park
We drove along the twisty, curvy roads and finally made it to Lands End lookout which is at the top of a mountain. 
We visited the site of the Sutro Baths which back in the day were really amazing. A couple was actually posing for wedding photos down below but you can't see them because the fog was starting to roll in at this point. 
The Palace of Fine Arts was an beautiful sight to see too. It was built in 1915 and the architecture is gorgeous. It reminded me of a building that you would see in Italy.