
Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Update

I've been kind of MIA lately and I've been keeping a little secret too...
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My husband and I (and Aubrey) have been busy designing our new home!

We've been living together and renting for 9 years now so it's finally our time to have a home of our own. The serious talks about buying a home started when we decided to start our little family. We looked at a bunch of homes but just couldn't find one that felt right for us so when I was halfway through my pregnancy we decided to put house hunting on hold for a while.

Shortly after Aubrey was born- right around the time that all of her stuff started taking over the house- we decided that we needed to do something about our situation. We are quickly outgrowing our small rental house.

To make a long story short, a random discussion on Easter Sunday led to my husband convincing me that we should make a big move to the country and build a home. Crazy, right? It took a lot of convincing because the "country" that I'm referring to means moving back to my hometown. The same hometown that I couldn't get out of fast enough when I graduated high school. -Cue another moment of realization- that I am in fact really a grown up, like the mature somewhat level-headed kind. My parents moved from the city to the country when I was little and now here I am making the same move for my little girl. History does repeat itself, I suppose.

We're hoping to move in before the holidays. *fingers crossed that the construction crews stay on schedule* Little by little we're I'm going to start sorting through all of the stuff that we've accumulated over the last 9 years and start donating, selling, and packing.

Coming Soon... BLOG SALE!
I'm going to add a blog sale tab in the upcoming weeks where I'll be selling some clothing, jewelry, and shoes. Mostly shoes because lets face it... my 6 inch platform stilettos aren't going to cut it when I'm running around the woods after a little one. My lifestyle has changed. Drastically. No more clubbing, no more Saturday nights at the bar, and Sunday Fun Days have taken on a whole new meaning. Let the closet cleansing commence!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Beauty Routine

My routine always changes a little when transitioning from winter to summer. I posted about this last year here. I'm still using the Mary Kay Oil-Free moisturizer and Rimmel's Stay Matte Pressed Powder this summer but I've also added a few summer cosmetics into the mix. This summer beauty kit by Cargo is like the one stop shop of all things water-resistant and summery. 
The Los Cabos Resort Collection bag includes the following:

  • Water-Resistant Blush in Los Cabos
  • Water-Resistant Bronzer
  • Swimmable Eye Liner Pencil in Charcoal
  • Better-than-Waterproof Mascara
  • Lipgloss in Vegas Strip
  • and super cute makeup bag with snap and zipper enclosure

I've been using these products for the past month now and I am SO happy with these products so that's why I'm sharing them with you. I know that summer is nearly half way over (gasp!) but it's better late than never, right? 

This kit is definitely worth investing in. The blush, bronzer, gloss, and liner can really be used year round.  I always line my bottom waterline with water-proof liner, followed by black eyeshadow to hold it in place. I only wear water-proof mascara though when I'm at the beach, pool, or on lake. This mascara is no joke. The only way this stuff is coming off is with makeup remover. Face wash does not cut it. I have yet to find a mascara that does this so that's really exciting. 

Know what else is great? All of these products would work great with just about any skin tone.  

Now onto the hair...

I still wash my hair 2 sometimes 3 times a week but instead of blowing it out and curling it, I've been skipping the heat. 
I have naturally wavy hair so if your hair is wavy these 4 simple steps may work for you: 
  1. When I get out of the shower I apply Aussie's Volume mousse to my roots and Aussie's Sprunch Spray to my ends. 
  2. I blow dry my bangs and roots/crown (otherwise my hair will dry really flat and stiff)
  3. I separate the ends into 4 sections and twist them to let them air dry
  4. Once my hair is semidry- dry I work some FX Silk Drops into the hair below my ears to "seal it," add a little shine, and smooth out any frizz. ...and that's it! Easy peasy. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bring your Daughter to Work Day... everyday

Some of you may or may not know this but I work from home 4 of the 5 days out of the week and my husband works out of town 3 very long days out of the week. When my husband and I decided that we wanted to start our little family we thought that our situation was ideal. We wouldn't need a babysitter or day care, and we would have an adequate amount of time to get everything done that we needed to in the week. Well while I still think that we have a great opportunity/schedule/situation, it's not as easy as it first seemed it would be.

There really is no perfect schedule because let's face it, you just have to go with the flow when it comes to kids because plans can change in an instant and out of nowhere. It's taken me 5 months to feel adjusted and comfortable with our new "schedule" but everyday is slightly different from the next and I expect it to continue to change as she gets older and more mobile.

I have received some requests to post about working full-time with a baby in the mix so here is a tale about what works for us... it may or may not work for you and remember- "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done" (ECC 11:4).

Let me first start with this...

You will need: Coffee, Tea, Caffeine of some sort. Pick your poison. 
It all starts the night before, I brew my coffee in the french press, let it cool on the counter for a while and set in the fridge overnight so it's ready for me in the morning. In the morning all I have to do is add ice to my tumbler, pour the coffee, and mix in some creamer. I always get Caramel Macchiatos at Starbucks so I'm in love with this creamer.

Pier 1 Tumbler - Grosche Madrid French Press
Starbucks Coffee - International Delight Caramel Macchiato Creamer

In order to get any work done your baby will need the following: A swing, play mat, and jumparoo
Fisher Price Little Lamb Swing 
Glo World Play Mat - Fisher Price Jumparoo
Here's what a typical day looks like:
8:00ish -our day starts around 8am on average. I feed her, change her, and get her dressed. Then I make myself some oatmeal, prepare my iced coffee while she watches Mickey's Clubhouse, bring her into the bathroom in her bouncer while I get a quick shower, and get dressed.

9:30, 10:00ish- she sits beside me at my desk in her jumparoo, playing, jumping, laughing, and screaming out of excitement, happy as a clam (usually) while I work.

11:00ish- She will take her morning nap which usually lasts for an hour to an hour and a half.

12:00, 12:30ish- Once she wakes it's time for lunch, I feed her and then make myself some lunch, play a little on the play mat, maybe throw in a load of laundry and then it's back to work while she plays.

2:30ish- She takes a longer afternoon nap around 2:30, during this time she'll sleep for 2-3 hours. So, that's 2-3 hours of work.

5:30-7:30ish- By the time she wakes up it's about dinner time. She eats, I make dinner, we eat, my husband and I catch up on our days, and then we have some family play time.

7:30ish- bath time, story time, and getting ready for bed.

9:30ish- Aubrey is in bed between 9 & 9:30 every night.  I'm a night owl so once she's in asleep, I'm awake and on the computer getting work done. I work until 12 or 12:30 usually, sometimes later depending on how heavy my work load is and how awake I am.

She's been waking up around 3:30 am for a snack so sometimes I'll feed her before I lay down to prevent her from waking at 3:30 hungry. Sometimes it works and she sleeps through the night until about 7 or 8 am and other times it doesn't.

*This is our basically schedule for four days out of the week. One of the days that I work from home my husband is also home so he watches her and I can work straight through the day with minimal interruptions. The fifth day, I work a really long day outside of our home and my husband is home with her all day/night.*

Finally, here is what you will need to get your work done: 
Free Printable To-Do List
Free Printable Calendar  - Stabilo 88 Pen Set - iPhone
Whether you are working from home or in an office, it always helps to have some pretty things surrounding your desk that are also functional. Call me Type A all you want, but I have a list for everything in my life; especially now because of "baby brain" (aka I can't remember anything even if my life depended on it syndrome). I'm all about a good pen too and when I have a variety of pretty colors to choose from, depending on my mood all is well at my desk. My iPhone keeps me on track and organized with everything. I always have an alarm set for something too whether it be a pumping session, a feeding, or a batch of cupcakes.

So, this is my chaotic week in a nutshell. I encourage any other working mommas to share their schedules, experiences, and tips in the comments below. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

MMR: June 2103: Beach Bag Essentials

Question of the month from Kristen: What are your beach bag essentials?

From top to bottom, left to right:
Victoria's Secret Sundress- I always wear a sundress over my bathing suit so I can easily pull it on and off and it transitions nicely if I decide to hit the boardwalk

Prada Sunglasses- I'm never without a pair of sunnies at the beach. I don't wear makeup because i umm hello?? You're at the beach swimming, getting wet, in the sun, having fun, etc. All you need to do is throw on some some shades and...

Nars Turkish Delight Lip Gloss- No dry lips here and again, an easy way to feel polished when you hit the boardwalk.

Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration SPF 30, Dark Tanning Oil, and Lime Coolada After-Sun Moisturizer

Elastic Headband- to keep the hair out of my face and to still feel a bit put together

Clinque City Block SPF 25 Face- This is almost like a tinted moisturizer. I like using products that are specifically made for your face on my face so I don't have to worry about clogged pores and breakouts.

Magazines, Water Bottle, Fresh Fruit, Luna Bars (Chocolate Coconut and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut are my favorite), and candy. When I go to the beach I'm there allll daaayyyy lonnngg so snacks are a must!

What's in your beach bag? 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Monthly Milestones: 4 Months

I can't believe our baby girl is 5 months old already! Here is a recap of the previous month:
Month 4
Weight & Length: 15.5 lbs. (about) 24 1/2 inches 
Clothing Size: She can still squeeze into some of her 0-3 months but she's mostly wearing 3-6 month clothing now.
Diaper Size: Size 2
Sleep: Just when I thought we were in the clear and sleeping through the night half way through her fourth month she was over the whole sleeping through the night thing. She learned how to roll from her back to her tummy and ever since then she has reverted back to her old habit of waking every 2-3 hours. At first rolling onto her tummy was what was waking her up. She hated being on her tummy and would cry as soon as she rolled but now she loves being on her tummy and actually prefers to sleep on her side or her tummy now so I'm attributing this new middle of the night party to a growth spurt because she's eating every time she wakes up. 
As far as my sleep goes, it's basically not happening this month. When she started rolling on to her tummy I couldn't sleep because I was so nervous about her sleeping on her tummy that I'd wake up and check on her and roll her back onto her back a million times throughout the night. She can't roll from tummy to back yet so I wasn't sure if it was safe for her and in addition to that I'm not into taking any chances when it comes to SIDS. I finally put a call in the pediatrician and he settled my fears by telling me it's ok to let her sleep on her tummy if she rolls there because she is strong enough to roll now and strong enough to lift her head and control her neck. 
Feeding: nursing, but when she has a bottle she takes 4- 4 1/2 oz. every 3 hours or so. She tried rice cereal for the first time! We mixed a little bit of cereal with her milk and fed it to her on a few occasions and she seems to like it. It's a messy experience but she just needs to get used to the spoon and she'll be fine. 
Hair Color: Medium brown with a golden hue, it's finally starting to fill in!
Eye Color: Grayish blue with flecks of brown
Milestones & Firsts: She is rolling over like crazy (like every time we place her on her back she goes right to her tummy), first taste of rice cereal, first time in the jumparoo (which you love), first time in the pool, first boat ride,  you got your ears pierced (and did way better than I expected- just a loud cry for each ear and done!), you're babbling and screaming out of excitement all the time, and you're developing the cutest laugh too. I think you are starting to teethe because you are chewing on everything- toys, blankets, your hands, etc. and you are drooling like crazy.
Nicknames: Aubster, Aubs, Aubstalina, Little Miss Lobster

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Red, White, & New Necklace

Happy 4th of July everyone! We're spending our day at the lake BBQing and relaxing allll...dayyyy...long. Hope you're all taking full advantage of the beautiful (hopefully) weather and enjoying yourself outside. Here are a couple of festive outfits that I put together in honor of Independence Day. Both outfits feature my new favorite necklace that I am totally in love with. I wore it out the other night to dinner for the first time and I got a compliment within 5 minutes of being seated.  That's how awesome it is. Just sayin'...
Tank Top- Old Navy
Shorts- Kohl's
Sandals- TJMaxx
Necklace- Our World Boutique

Top- F21 (oldish)
Shorts- Kohl's
Sandals- Burlington
Necklace- Our World Boutique