
Monday, September 6, 2010

DIY Girly Ruffled Flower

I've been seeing these cute flowers every where lately and I decided to try to make one. Surprisingly, it's pretty easy! This is my first attempt at this so I'll try my best to explain how I did it. So here it goes:
Step 1: Cut different sized circles out of an organza type of material. They don't have to be perfect, just rounded. I'm not even sure what this material is called. I got it at JoAnn's on the clearance rack.
Step 2: Using a tealight, hold the fabric above the lighted candle and slowly spin it around so that all of the edges are exposed to the flame. Make sure you don't get too close, you don't want your fabric to touch the flame because it will catch on fire and singe the material.

This is what you will end up with- rounded, ruffled circles.
Step 3: Place the circles on top of one another so they are layered according to size. I used 6 circles but you can use however many you want, depending on how big of a flower you want.
Step 4: Now that the circles are layered the way you want them, make a few stitches in the middle of the flower to hold them in place. Then start sewing on tiny beads for the center. I piled on 3 beads at a time and kept adding more until it formed the round center that I wanted.
And this is what you will come up with!
I think I'm going to hot glue a bobby pin on to the back to make a barette.
I may make a few smaller ones and add them to a ribbon to make a belt.
What do you think? Pretty simple, right?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I love it. Looks super easy and very elegant!


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