
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wedding Wednesday Hair

I really can't decide what to do with my hair. One thing that I do know is that I'm not going to wear a traditional veil. If anything, I'll wear a birdcage veil, but I'm not even sure if I want to do that either. I almost never wear my hair up so originally I was thinking of doing something like this:
or this (minus the crown, of course):
This is Rima Fakih (2010 Miss USA), by the way. Isn't she gorgeous?

Then I stumbled upon this picture of Monica Cruz (Penelope's sister)
and I started to consider wearing my hair up.
I really like this updo as well (love the headband too):

(Style Me Pretty)

I don't really want a hairstyle that screams "bridal hair." I know that may sound strange but I want more of a sexy, tousled look (think Victoria's Secret hair) than "perfect," traditional, typical, expected (do you see where I'm going with this?) wedding hair.
Some may argue that you should wear a veil since this is the one day in your life when you can. Well, besides Halloween, anyway. Others will argue that sleek, sophisticated "bridal hair" is the best way to go because it will complement dress that you will be wearing.
Opinions, Thoughts, Suggestions???


  1. I'm wearing my hair up loosley, kind of like Lauren Conrad. I know what you mean about the "bridal" hair, I don't want my hair to look like it took 4 hours to do, like stone in place with hairspray lol

  2. I really like the last one if you don't want to do something traditional. It's very very pretty!

  3. the third photo is gorgeous, all the way up and still creates a little nonchalante look <3

    Cute blog girly!

  4. I love the picture of Rima! She is very gorgeous. I'm not wearing a veil, it's just not for me. I think however you wear your hair it will be gorgeous!

  5. I love them all.. my fav. is Penelope's sister. I actually just saved the picture as inspiration for my wedding!! Love them!

  6. I prefer the Monica Cruz-Style. It looks really pretty, but in the end, it's up to you! :)

    I really enjoy reading your blog and now I'm your newest follower! Maybe you check out my blog too and probably also become a follower!

  7. Love the old Miss America hair. Yes, she is georgeous!

    Maybe we can follow each other?

  8. my opinion is going with the victoria secret type hair. its 2011 and people are doing things different, styles always change, and i know when i get married i want some long sexy hair too lol and about your comment, inglot is a polish brand that finally came to the states in 09 in ny and now have 2 more locations. theyre AMAZING and fairly priced! if you ever come across an inglot, you shuld give it a try.

  9. Rima is gorgeous !
    I think you should go with the Monica Cruz hair, an updo but still messy and sexy !


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