
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks & Winner Winner Turkey Dinner!

This has been one incredible year for us and there are so many things to be thankful for. Topping the list though would be our baby girl who greeted us in January. Followed by our new home that we broke ground on in August. It's been a long road that we wouldn't have been able to weather without the help of my parents who have also been down the home construction road. Things have been wild and crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way... well maybe but I guess I'm just getting used to the chaos now. I'm so thankful for our tight-knit, loving, supportive family, amazing friends, and for all of you. As much as I enjoy blogging, I have to be honest it's the comments and the blog "friends" that I have made along the way that really keep me going. So thank you for your support, advice, comments, and readership.

In other exciting news--- We have a winner for the Willow Crowns Holiday Headband Set!

Congrats! Hope your little enjoys her new stylish headbands! 

Thank you to all who entered!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Aubrey's 8 & 9 Month Favorites

Fisher Price Stride-to-Ride Lion
Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Stride-to-Ride Walker
We introduced these toys to Aubrey at the beginning of her 9th month when she started showing an interest in standing and holding onto things. She mostly sits on the lion and car and tries to scoot right now but she absolutely love both of them. Both are musical.

She loves touching the lion's nose to make the music turn on. The seat on the lion flips up so she can hold on a walk behind it but at this stage of the game she is more interested on going for a ride. We will help her hold onto the handle while standing but she pushes forward and gets a little hesitant and reaches out for us to help her so this is toy that she will grow into in the next month or so.  

The car is awesome! It also plays music- it has two modes: learning mode and play mode. It plays "the wheels on the car," sings the alphabet, teaches numbers, and plays music. There are different noises when you turn the steering wheel, use the blinker, beep the horn, turn the key, etc. and there is a shape sorter in the hood! The seat separates so she can stand behind it and use it as a walker as well but for right now she is mainly using it to sit on and scoot. She has a little more stability on this car as opposed to the lion but she loves both. If you were to pick just one, I'd go with the car because it has all of the bells and whistles. 

1. Hello Kitty McDonald's toy- This is seriously her favorite toy. Go figure, a free toy is her favorite. Also among her favorites- good ol' brown moving boxes! Who said you need to spend a fortune on toys?
2. Owl Washcloth/Sponge from Target (similar)- We aren't using this as a washcloth but as a teething aide. It is one of the most helpful things for her sore gums believe it or not. I keep it in the freezer and she sucks on it while she waits for the tylenol to kick in. It seems to be the only thing (along with the grape teether) that gives her relief from the painful teeth that are breaking through.
3. Infantino Cart and High Chair Cover- This is the best cart cover! I had another one by this brand that totally didn't work for us because it didn't cover the sides well enough. The sides on this cover have velcro so they stay in place perfectly and this is SO important because my child will put her mouth on anything these days and the last place I want her mouth is on a dirty cart. Unlike many other covers, this one comes with it's own child strap that wraps around the cart for a secure hold. In other words, this is your safest best if you are looking for the best possible way to keep your baby germ free while out shopping or dining. Another plus- there are several fabric loops to attach toys to so they don't fall out. This is a total must-have if you're a germaphobe like me.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Willow Crowns Holiday Headband GIVEAWAY!

I recently stumbled across Megan's blog, Willow Way and I instantly found myself reading through past posts, totally loosing track of time. No laundry was put away that night. Ever find yourself doing that when you find a really good blog that you can relate to?

I was so excited when Megan announced the opening of her etsy shop, Willow Crowns so naturally I was thrilled when she contacted me in regards to a giveaway. Megan was kind enough to send my little Aubrey a few handmade, totally adorable headbands. They add just the right amount of sparkle to any outfit and they are so versatile. We're having a lot of fun wearing them. No, I didn't make a typo. We are now sharing headbands. Well kind of, I may or may not have worn the red bow headband around for a full day. 

I'm delighted to be hosting not just any giveaway, but my very first baby-related giveaway!
Megan is giving away a Christmas gift set to one very lucky little lady. The winner will receive a white, black, and red bow headband (as pictured below). The headband sizes are 16'', so they should fit a 6-12 month old little girl.

You have 5 chances to win. 
Contest opens today, November 19th and closes at 12am EST on November 25th. 
Good Luck!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Review

I finally wore my necklace! I ordered this in the beginning of the summer from Groopdealz. It was an impulse buy. I knew I loved it but I wasn't sure how I would like it on myself. I spent the whole summer putting it on and taking it off because I just didn't feel right wearing it. I looked in my jewelry drawer the other day thinking- well, that's it for this necklace, summer is over. Then I decided to try it on with this blue J.Crew top on Friday and-- Bam! I loved it!

Little Aubrey at the end of our TarJAY FriDAY trip- sick of watching me look at makeup. And yes, every Friday is TarJAY FriDAY for us; think of it as a momma/daughter date. She seriously loves it there, I don't know if its the bright red carts or what but as soon as we step in that store she is smiling, laughing, and acting silly.

BTW how adorable is Aubrey's headband? Megan, the designer at Willow Crowns made this. Check out her shop which is filled with all things pretty and cute. 
A very exciting giveaway is coming up later this week so stay tuned...
Speaking of Target, if you haven't hit their dollar bins lately, you should. There are so many great finds in there right now including these labels, gold alphabet stickers, and silver glittered tape. I have no idea what I'm labeling but I'm sure I'll find something.

I picked up a holiday dress for Aubrey so I was looking at tights and I found these cuties (at Target, or course). Either pair will match her dress perfectly- I'm so excited for her to wear these!
Friday was a good mail day. I got this beauty from Very Jane. Can't wait to wear it- it's such a pretty, versatile piece.
My mom broke out a photo album from when I was Aubrey's age to show me how much I looked like Aubrey. She tells me all the time how she never thought she would be able to see me again as a baby but she feels like she can now when looking at Aubs. Pretty cool feeling. I hope I can experience that one day too.

I have a drawer filled with nail polishes but I'm kinda sick of them all so I picked up a couple new shades. Sally Hansen Grey Area and Coin Flip. 
I finally found the time to give myself an at home mani and I am loving Grey Area- exactly what I was looking for! It's holding up great too. I painted my nails on Friday night and there are no chips so far- after washing a whole lot of baby bottles and painting a room!

Yes, you heard that right- we painted Aubrey's room in our new house. We're hoping to paint a few more rooms before we move in while everything is covered in plastic and there's no furniture to worry about. It's starting to become real.

Disclaimer: Willow Crowns sent the headband pictured here. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own and are not altered in any way.

 How was your weekend?

Friday, November 15, 2013


As most of you know I'm in a packing frenzy over here preparing for our move. I came across this little ol' book while I was packing things away the other day. 

Kate Spade -Style-
I totally forgot I had it so it was a nice surprise. I picked this book up when I was in college so it's by no means new. It was published in 2004 but the book is timeless. That's what I love about Kate Spade- her style, her collections- they're all relatively timeless classics but with a fun flair.  

If you haven't heard of this book you should totally check it out. It offers style advice that is helpful no matter what the decade, century, or season. In this book, Kate talks about her style inspirations and how to find inspiration yourself. There are clothing care tips, organizational remedies, pairing suggestions and there's a nice big section on accessories too. If you know me at all you know I love my accessories and so does Kate.

Kate Spade is one designer that never disappoints. I can always find a handful of things that I adore from her collections and I've felt this way for years now. A lot of designers will adopt a new style or trend along the way but Kate always stays classy, classic, and feminine. Here are a few things that I'm loving right now:
-Top to bottom, left to right-
Sedgewick Place Paige, Flatiron Sophia Grace Diaper Bag,
Nylon Karen, Park Avenue Beau

-Top to bottom, left to right-
All that Glitters Clutch, Cayman Flats,
Catcher FlatsBeacon Court Jeanne

Krysta, Netta,Carlton, Charm

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Monthly Milestones: 8 Months

I'm about 2 weeks late with this post- Aubrey is now 9 1/2 months old! 
Here is the recap of her 8th month:

Month 8
Weight & Length: about 19 lbs., approximately 28 inches 
Clothing Size: 9 months and 12 months
Diaper Size: Size 3
Sleep: Two words. Separation Anxiety. We went through a week and half of her waking several times throughout the night. She wasn't hungry she just wanted to make sure that we didn't leave her and she wanted to be cuddled. She hasn't been getting a lot of solid sleep at night since the 4 month growth spurt so we decided that it may just be time to start sleep training. The pediatrician wants us to drop her night feeding by the time she hits 9 months so we're working on that. She wakes at 3 or 4am every night and it's so hard to not give in because I know if I feed her she'll go right back to sleep. 
Feeding: 6 1/2 or 7 ounce bottles of breast milk every 4 hours, fruits, veggies, meat, oatmeal, and rice cereal
Hair Color: Medium brown with a golden hue. Her hair s starting to get curls and waves!
Eye Color: dark blue/gray with flecks of brown- a perfect combo of mine and my husbands eyes.
Milestones & Firsts: She started crawling and she is so fast! She's climbing on everything and exploring whatever she can get in to. She uses her index finger to point to things like her favorite things in a book we are reading, each individual polka dot on her shirt, or whatever she is attracted to at the moment- it's so ridiculously cute! Every. Single. Time we read Goodnight Moon she points to the little mouse. She can pull herself up and stand in her crib and while holding onto furniture. She cut two bottom teeth. Babbling a ton. She is such a happy little girl and she seems to learning a new trick every day now. Once again, I'll say it... my favorite month so far!  
Nicknames: Aubster, Aubs, Aubstalina, Lobster, Aubs Lobs 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Five Fab Favs

1. Black & White Tweed Bow Flats by Report
2. Coat, Scarf, and Boot Weather
Old Navy Pea Coat (from last year)- love this color
3. New iPhone case from eBay
Aubrey loves it too which is what my goal was when shopping for a new cover. It grabs her attention when I try to take her picture. Win win. 
4. Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale
I missed this beer last year when I was pregnant but I am making up for lost time this year. Here's a little tip: Pour it in a glass and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Pure pumpkin perfection. 
5. The Holidays
Babies R Us had a First Christmas event this weekend. They're holding them for the next 3 weekends too (depending on the birthdate of your little one). We went and had a great time. Upon arrival we were given a goody bag with a placemat, coupons, a picture frame magnet with Disney magnets (pictured above), a First Christmas onsie sticker (also pictured), a bottled water, and Gerber yogurt- oh and I almost forgot- a $10 gift card! There was a raffle for an adorable New Years outfit and we made a cute little craft (pictured above). It was a fun event and it was a great opportunity to meet other moms and babies that are in the same age bracket. If there's a Babies R Us in your area and your baby's first Christmas is coming up, go- it's worth it! You can find more infer about it here.
Next up on the list- a visit to Santa!

Friday, November 8, 2013

MMR: Shopaholic Tag

Question of the month: Lots of questions because it's the SHOPAHOLIC TAG!!!


1. Would you consider yourself a shopaholic?
Yes! I think I got started young with this too because my mom said that no matter what kind of a store we went into, I always found something to buy. However, that being said, I do have a budget that I'm pretty good about sticking to and I'm not a hoarder so I try to think things over before committing to purchasing no matter what the price tag.

2. How would you classify your style?
I'm all about classic pieces. I love accessorizing with trendy, statement jewelry, layering with printed scarves, and wearing a really great pair of shoes- sometimes bold, sometimes neutral. I wear skinny jeans or leggings almost every day and you can usually find me wearing something that is either polka dotted or striped.

3. What store can you not leave without buying at least one thing?
H&M and Old Navy- their prices are great and they've had so many pieces that are right up my alley lately.

4. Where do you find the best deals?
Old Navy, H&M, & J. Crew Factory for clothing. TJ Maxx & Marshalls for home decor.

5. What designer are you willing to splurge for?
Chanel. I need a quilted Chanel bag in my life.

6. Do you have a "go to" shopping outfit?
Leggings, a tank top, and a cardigan or shorts and a tank top. Something simple, comfortable, and easy to try clothes on with.

7. What is your guilty pleasure? (Aside from make up)
I'm more of a home decor and baby clothes shopping addict these days but I also colkect wrapping paper. Weird, I know!

8. What is one staple clothing piece you cannot live without?
Skinny Jeans.

9. What is a trend you hope never goes out of style?
Peplum. I know it will but I just love it so much!

10. What trend did you love that passed way to quickly?
I'm totally stumped on this one.

11. Who is your fashion icon?
Lauren Conrad, her style is so classy and feminine. Followed by Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon who are both infamous for wearing classic pieces while looking perfectly put together.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Change, Change, Rearrange

Schnelle is under construction 
so don't worry- you're in the right place!

It's time for a little blog clean up. I'm going to be working on the layout and tweaking a few things on here over the next week so don't be alarmed if you see a new layout or header. I just thought it was time to freshen things up a bit over here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Catching up and Wrapping Up

Halloween is the kick off of the holiday season for me so now that Halloween is over, I'm in total holiday mode. I changed my ringtone to my favorite- Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" and from here on in it's all about Pandora's Christmas channel. I'm a big fan of holidays but I'm starting to realize just how awesome the holidays are about to become now that we have a little one.

We stayed in this year for Halloween and handed out candy. This was our last year of being able to hand out candy because the area that we're moving to is so rural so we won't have trick or treaters anymore. I'm kinda sad about this but at the same time it's okay because we'll be out trick or treating anyway on Halloween starting next year. Aubrey got all dressed up to answer the door and hand out candy. She really had a blast! She loved greeting the kids and checking out their costumes. She was all smiles all night.
Our little ghost!
I made her costume and it was so easy. I just cute out the eyes and mouth from felt and hand-stitched them onto a white onsie and made the tutu using different textured tulle and some elastic. My goal is to make her costumes for as long as I can or as long as she wants me to. The costumes that I remember most from my childhood were the ones that were homemade; they were always my favorite. 

at her Grandma's house.
We've been spending lots of time at Home Depot lately...

We are wrapping up the construction of our home. Finally! It's been a really long road, too long. There have been a lot of bumps along the way and more surprises (read: money, money, and more money) than we would have liked. 

Aubrey was a newborn when we began the construction process and I have to say, it wasn't the brightest of ideas to jump into such a huge project at that time. There's a lot of planning, work, communication, etc. that goes into the whole process and it has been pretty overwhelming. We are so relieved that this project is finally almost over and we will be home for the holidays! We're hoping to move the week of Thanksgiving and we are so excited to get in and get settled. 

So that's where I've been... packing, planning, and trying to thrive despite the chaos. 
I'm hoping to turn over a new leaf for the new year and get back into blogging more frequently. 
So here's to new beginnings!