Monday, November 26, 2012

BUMPdate: 30 Weeks

Size of the baby?
The size of a head of lettuce (about 18 inches, 3.2lbs.)
Based on the measurement that they took of my belly I'm measuring normal-small but we'll find out more when we go to the ultrasound on Wednesday! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
21 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?
Still a mix of maternity and normal clothes.
Stretch marks?
None. *fingers crossed*
Best Moments?
Hearing her heartbeat at my appointment the other day and hearing that everything is going perfectly.
She is SO active! My whole stomach is now moving around, it's so strange to see but so cool at the same time. 
Food Cravings?
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches and sweets of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
What I miss?
I'm starting to feel like I need a nap by mid-afternoon, just like I did during the first trimester.
Labor signs?
No way! 
Belly Button In or Out?
Still flat. I;m hoping it doesn't pop out!
Wedding rings On or Off?
Still on! They're actually a little loose, which is what normally happens when it gets cold out.
I am so tired anymore and it may have something to do with waking up for a bathroom break and waking up every single time I try to re-position myself.  
What I'm looking forward to?
Ultrasound on Wednesday!


  1. Hi there Schnelle.

    I actually clicked to follow your blog a few months ago and checked/read a lot of your earlier posts. I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ada, nice to meet you.

    I have been reading your baby story lately. I am also 30 weeks pregnant and I am also expecting a girl so we have that in common. I would love for you to support my blog, too. And we can actually go through the rest of this pregnancy together, read our stories, share Fashion & Mom tips and such.

    This is our first baby. What about you, is she your first?

    Take Care. <3 Ada.

    1. Congrats! That's so exciting and so exciting to hear that we are right at the same point in our pregnancies. This is our first as well:)

  2. You are so tiny! I can't believe this is your first, I gained so much weight with my first...the last week I was pregnant I gained close to ten pounds! My second I got under control and only gained 22 lbs, but you look amazing!

    1. I still have 9 weeks to go so we will see... Everyone is so different, a few people have told me they gained more with their second child than the first!

  3. So cute! You're getting close to the end!! :)

  4. You're getting there! Looking adorable as ever!

  5. You are lookin good mama!!! ;) Only 10 weeks left, crazy!!!

  6. Listening to their strong heartbeats just feel amazing, huh? So glad things are flowing along - looking lovely as usual!

    1. I LOVE hearing her heartbeat at each appointment. Her movements that I get to feel every day are so amazing!

  7. I was so thrilled when I saw your comment that you are also expecting! I am going to go back on your blog and read all of your updates :) congrats!

    1. Thanks! I'm SO happy for you and I'll be following along with your journey as well:)

  8. You look great!!! It's so funt o see others going through their pregnancy :) i cant wait for my next ultrasound!!! eeekk:) YOu are going to just be in love with your little girl. OUr little girl is just the biggest blessing:)

    1. I know I can't wait! I've always dreamed of having a little girl. Keep the updates coming- can't wait to hear all about your next u/s:)

  9. Aw, love readying your updates! You look great!!!

  10. So cute...GIRL? congratulations!
    check my maternity post;-)
    would you like to follow each other?
    xoxo E

  11. Ahhh! How cute is your baby bump, you are looking gorgeous!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee


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